When Is It Worth Having Custom Cabinets Made?

When you need cabinets for your kitchen, you really have two major options. You can head to a home improvement store and purchase some pre-made cabinets to have installed, or you can have custom cabinetry made for your home. There's really no right or wrong approach here. Pre-made cabinets are cheaper, and they can work perfectly well for some people. However, there are some times when you definitely want to go with custom cabinets. Here are a few examples.

1. You Need to Put Cabinets in a Space With Odd Dimensions.

These days, most homes are built with pretty standard, even dimensions in the kitchen, so that pre-made cabinets can easily be made to fit. But if you have an older home, there's a good chance your dimensions are not as friendly. You may measure the space next to your fridge, for example, and realize you need a 38.5-inch cabinet to put there. You simply can't find pre-made cabinets with such an odd dimension. So, in your case, having cabinets custom made is the only way to ensure they really fit.

2. You Want the Finish to Match Something Else in the Space.

When you buy pre-made cabinets, you can usually only choose from a short list of finish options. This is fine if you're building a whole new kitchen and can choose other items that coordinate with the cabinet color, however, if you want your new cabinets to be a perfect match with some other woodwork or items in the kitchen, then you want to get custom cabinets. Most custom cabinet makers can custom blend a finish to be a perfect match with another piece of wood that you show them. 

3. You Have Very Specific Desires for the Interiors of the Cabinets.

Some people are fine with putting generic cabinets up, and then figuring out how their items best fit inside of them. Other people have specific items they want to store, and they really need their cabinets designed to accommodate those items. If you fall into the latter group, then you really want custom cabinets. A lot of people with customized cookware, lots of dinnerware, and unique kitchen items need cabinets designed just for them.

Custom cabinets do cost more than the generic, pre-made ones, but sometimes they really are worth the cost. Talk to a cabinet maker near you to get a better idea of what they offer.

For more information, contact a company like Gerald L Scott Custom Cabinetry.
