Types of Lifestyles To Choose an Earth Home For

While it has its pros and cons, an earth-sheltered home can appeal to a variety of people for different reasons. Here are a few of the types of lifestyles that could go well with an earth home.

1. Self-sufficient homesteading

For homesteaders, alternative home styles can be very useful. A homesteader who wants to be self-sufficient will need a home that doesn't require a lot of energy to heat and cool, for instance. A home that's underground, such as an earth-sheltered home)l, n be ideal for this reason because the temperature of the Earth will keep the home from getting very hot or cold.

Other reasons why an earth-sheltered home can be great for homesteading include the fact that it can allow people to use the ground above the home for purposes such as gardening. Another benefit of earth homes is that the home is much less likely to be damaged by tornadoes or other windstorms.

2. Unique luxury living

If you're looking for a way to make your luxury home unique and distinct from all the other luxury homes in your area, choosing an underground or partially earth-sheltered home can be a great way to go about it. Depending on your personal style, you could create anything from a luxury bungalow set under a hill to an entire underground mansion. 

3. Zero-waste eco-friendly living

For anyone who wants to live in an eco-friendly manner with low waste and low energy usage, an earth home can be a great choice. The low heating and cooling needs can help you reduce fossil fuel use, and the soil on top of the home can take care of stormwater management for you.

A home that's underground can also help you avoid waste in other ways. For example, you won't have to replace an asphalt shingle roof every few years, and the home may not even need gutters either.

4. Prepper style living

If you're an individual who's concerned about preparing for and surviving the apocalypse or other major disasters, an underground bunker-type home may be just your style. Using the earth to shelter the structure can help it survive many potentially damaging events. 

If any of these sound like your lifestyle, or one you'd like to embark upon, consider building an earth home on your property. Get in touch with an earth home builder today to learn more about the unique opportunities an earth-sheltered home can provide and discuss whether this type of living is right for you.
