Copper Gutters Give Your Home Superior Protection While Making Your House More Beautiful

Copper is one of the most durable materials for making gutters. Copper gutters could last for several decades, so they're an excellent choice for your home even though they might cost a little more. Here's what to expect with copper gutters and the installation process.

Copper Develops A Patina With Age

Be sure to understand how copper ages before you invest in copper gutters. Copper develops a patina in response to what is in the air in your location. Acidic pollution and salt in the air cause a chemical reaction that turns bright and shiny copper to a dull brown or green.

The patina protects the copper from rust, and this is one reason copper has such a long life. The patina is considered desirable, but you may prefer shiny copper instead. If so, be prepared to put in the maintenance needed to clean and coat the copper to keep the patina from developing.

Copper Gutters Are Available In A Seamless Style

Copper gutters are available in the seamless gutter style. Seamless gutters have a reduced risk of leaking, so they are often the preferred method of installation. Seamless copper gutter installation starts by having the gutter troughs extruded right before they're installed. The troughs are custom made to the right length so they don't have to be joined in the middle by a seam.

All Parts Of The Gutters Are Available In Copper

There are several parts involved in copper gutter installation. All of these parts come in copper. This includes the troughs, hangers, downspouts, elbows, gutter covers, and anything else needed to install the gutters once the troughs have been extruded from the installation truck.

You can even buy decorative accents such as copper spires or leader heads to give your home a unique and more attractive look.

Copper Gutter Pieces Are Soldered Together

Another reason copper gutters have such a long life and resist leaking is that the pieces are soldered together. Other types of gutters are pieced together with an adhesive that decays as it ages. Copper gutter installation is done by joining pieces such as the downspout and troughs together by soldering them. This keeps the joints secure for decades.

Talk to a copper gutter installation contractor about the advantages of installing copper gutters. They might cost more than cheaper types of gutters, but they are more attractive and last much longer, so the cost is worth it. Copper gutters go with most types of homes, but they are a perfect match for historic and luxury homes.
