5 Most Popular Plumbing Areas for Upgrades During Renovation

Do you think your home's plumbing could do with an upgrade alongside other home renovations? Plumbing upgrades can make your home more functional and lower water bills. You can also transform areas like the kitchen sink with aesthetically appealing fixtures. The good news is that plumbing upgrades are relatively easy to do. An experienced plumber can work on the plumbing system in an average home in a few hours. So, what should be your priority areas when upgrading the plumbing?

1. Faucets 

Replacing old and leaky faucets is the easiest plumbing upgrade you can do. Faucets are usually easy to remove, and you can buy replacements at a local store. The new faucets will be easier to use and give an instant updated look. 

You can replace your kitchen or bathroom faucet with a pulldown sprayer. This will make it easier to wash dishes, clean the sink or shower, and even water your plants. You can also go for a motion sensor faucet that is more hygienic. 

2. Showerhead Upgrades 

A showerhead upgrade can transform your bathroom experience in a big way. It is also an easy plumbing upgrade. You have several choices for showerheads; handheld, fixed, rainfall, slide-bar, or adjustable.  

If you want to improve ‌water economy, go for low-flow showerheads. You can also jazz up the bathroom's look with lighted showerheads with changing lights to indicate the water is hot or when to turn off the shower.

3. Toilets   

The toilet is one of the most important plumbing fixtures in your home. You should replace it for better looks and water economy. You can ask the plumber for recommendations on toilets with low-flow flushing systems that will save water and reduce your water bill. 

4. Sinks   

A sink upgrade is also necessary if you have an old dull sink. You can install a new sink with a higher capacity to hold more dishes and household items. A new sink made of granite or quartz will also improve the appearance of your kitchen. 

5. Softeners and Filtration   

Installing a water softener and filtration system in your home will improve the quality of your water supply. It will reduce hard water deposits that cause clogged pipes and water heaters. Water filtration will keep your pipes clean and free of hard water deposits. The good news is that the plumbers can install this system without a major overhaul to the plumbing system. 

Are you looking to make your plumbing more functional and economical on water? Talk to plumbers like Countryside about easy and affordable plumbing upgrades to meet your expectations.
